The Postmarks
Packaging: Vinyl LP

The Postmarks: “Memoirs at the End of the World”

A vinyl LP version of the album! I was lucky enough to have grown up when vinyl records were still king (cassettes were starting to gain traction) and my earliest memories of music involve unwrapping the sleeve, sliding out the static-clinged record – the smell of the vinyl – looking at the label and putting it on the record player and placing the needle down and hearing the “pop” and waiting for the journey to begin. I’d then listen to the album in full with my undivided attention while reading all the entire package from liner notes to lyrics. It’s how you listened to records then.

The vintage effects really shine here: the record ring, the yellowish antique paper look, complete with tape effects (an idea from some old records that I have where the back sleeve was starting to come apart because of heavy use and had been taped back together). I also drew inspiration from records of the 1960s when designing the back sleeve including live shots that I’d see on so many records of that time. I even designed a mock 60s logo and inner sleeve for the recording label along with the record labels that appeared worn from sliding in and out of the sleeve. There were so many small and personal details in this package.

A personal design high-point for me.



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